Shipping Exchanges operating without unifying standards for Shippers, Carriers and Brokers = Chaos
Transport Unit IDentifiers (TUIDs) bring order to disorder!
Logistics providers deliver siloed visibility and transparency as table stakes within their own platform. The key to sustaining a Digital Future is the accreditation of the freight ecosystem with Standards and communications protocols.
What is an ISO 8000-115 SmartPrefix™?
- An ISO 8000-115 SmartPrefixTM is a name or acronym used to create a globally unique ISO 8000 quality identifier.
- A SmartPrefixTM can be your name, brand name or domain name and should be easily identifiable by your customers.
- SmartPrefixes are registered to allow users to lookup the owner of the identifier and where the identifier can be validated.
What does an ISO 8000-115 SmartPrefixTM cost?
- The cost to register an ISO 8000-115 SmartPrefixTM is $500 per year.
- You can register sub prefixes for your sub brand name for an additional $100 per year (a sub prefix is required if your identifier is not unique within your domain).
How do I register an ISO 8000-115 SmartPrefixTM?
- Since the purpose of the SmartPrefixTM is to identify the owner of the part number, an Authoritative Legal Entity Identifier (ALEI) for the organization is required to register a SmartPrefixTM.
- Once you have registered your ALEI, you can proceed to create an account and register your SmartPrefixTM.
Why do I need an ISO 8000-115 SmartPrefixTM?
Manufacturer or Supplier
- The SmartPrefixTM makes it clear that you are the owner of your part numbers and the authoritative source for any information regarding the product associated with your part number.
- You do not need to create a new number, you simply add your registered SmartPrefixTM to your existing part number to create an ISO 8000 quality part number.
- You can also use your SmartPrefixTM to create ISO 8000 quality asset numbers, serial numbers and batch numbers too.
- Publishing your product specifications in ISO 8000 Structured Data Format (SDFx) will allow your customers to use these to automatically create item names, descriptions and classifications. This saves time and improves the quality of the item descriptions, making it easier for your customer to find and order your product.
- Asking for your suppliers for ISO 8000 quality part numbers and product specifications in ISO 8000 Structured Data Format (SDFx) will allow you to automatically create the item names, descriptions and classifications you need to add a new material or validate existing materials in your procurement or inventory management systems. This will not only save you time, but it will improve the quality of your master data.
- Better quality master data is the quickest way to reduce item duplication and maverick spend.
- If you do not receive an ISO 8000 quality part number from your supplier, you can convert an existing part number to the ISO 8000 quality part numbers format by adding an ISO 8000-115 SmartPrefixTM. This will tell you who issued the part number and who you should ask for information regarding the item.
As the logistics marketplace reacts to market influences in the digital ecosystem, the key definition in this transformation must unlock visibility and transparency for shippers, carriers and brokers alike.
By utilizing the power of information and deep understanding of transactions, real visibility is available at every point.
True connectedness and real interoperability come from clarity achieved through agreed upon openness and protected sharing of anonymized data throughout the life of the “load”.

Before a load is built and the carrier is booked (1), industry participants often engage in complex negotiations to match loads and carriers. These may encompass familiar and new parties across the industry, especially if the shipper elects to explore the spot market (2). The negotiation phase relies predominantly on human-centric procedures and systems.
To bring modern digital procedures and systems to facilitate open negotiation, potential loads must be identified and labelled while they are still in the negotiation stage.
The illustration below gives more detail on key differences between the negotiation and transport phases of the shipment life cycle.

Together, Shipping Exchanges can eliminate waste and unnecessary costs of Phantom data.
Shipping Exchanges have the power to adopt industry-redefining Standards!

See the catalogue page for ISO/AWI 8000-119