On Black Friday, Morgan Stanley released a 50-page research paper called “Blockchain in Freight Transportation: Early Days Yet but Worth the Hype.” Morgan Stanley expects that blockchain-enabled smart contracts will be widely available for commercial use in 2018 (see: Blockchain in Transport Alliance), with more sophisticated applications coming out in 2020. Morgan Stanley believes the […]
November 2017
Earlier this year, I set about trying to figure out what the heck blockchain actually was and why everyone was talking about it. Because it’s not going away. And apparently Morgan Stanley agrees. In a recently released report titled “Blockchain in Freight Transportation: Early Days Yet but Worth the Hype”, the research foundation discusses the idea that blockchain
The-commerce giant has launched an app that will make deliveries from its Amazon fulfillment centers more efficient allowing truck drivers get in and out of warehouses faster, permitting them to check in with a QR code instead of badging in through security. Amazon Relay, quietly launched last month and first reported by CNBC, saves truck
Think about it. Truck brokerages used to have these “little black books” filled with the contact names and numbers of independent drivers who were scattered throughout the country. When the brokerage needed a driver to haul a load across the U.S., it flipped through its black book and found one who was ready, willing, and
In these days of ever-increasing technological innovation, the advances being made in logistics and supply chain are certainly gaining the attention of the Silicon Valley elite. And perhaps nowhere is that more apparent than in the proliferation of app-based – or on-demand – trucking providers, a quickly emerging area that’s receiving a significant amount of