Article written by Richard Howells

Logistics in the era of Covid-19
Over the past few months, our supply chains have been stretched to the limit as the demand for medical equipment and consumer necessities have exploded. This is compounded by the capacity constraints of the distribution network responsible for delivering the goods.
Global Logistics Challenges
As discussed in a recent blog (Business as Unusual), over recent times, companies have tried to strip cost out of the supply chain through lean manufacturing to minimize inventory carrying costs, outsourcing of production to contract manufacturers, and offshoring to cheaper parts of the globe. The pandemic has highlighted the risk associated with this globalization.
Now, with ports either closed or at best running at reduced capacity, and shipowners struggling to change crews to minimize the spread of the virus, we have less seafaring capacity.
This issue is compounded when we look to the air for a solution. Due to travel restrictions and lack of travelers, airlines have grounded thousands of planes which has, of course reduced air freight capacity.
Local Distribution Challenges
At a local and regional level, we have seen roadblocks at boarders and labor shortages that have seriously disrupted supply chains.
As “stay at home” recommendations and orders and were issued, this completely changes the logistics challenges in the way goods are delivered to customers. As well as bulk deliveries to DC’s and stores, we now have 1000’s of individual orders to satisfy and deliver to the doorstep on a daily basis. And these are no ordinary orders. To the customer they become lifelines, and we must ensure the safety of the supply chain, the delivery team and the customers at all times.
And now, as restrictions begin to be rolled back, country by country, and region by region we begin to drive logistics processes in the “new normal”.
Discover available capacity, Connect, Collaborate, Repeat….
Shippers more than ever are looking to ensure their goods are where/when their customers need them. How can they react or even predict spikes or drops in demand?
So, as logistics capacity drops, and demand for key items become critical, having visibility of the capacity that is available is needed in a simple and repeatable ways to:
- Discover new trading partners, communities and business opportunities
- Connect with these logistics business partners anytime, anywhere and on any device
- Collaborate seamlessly across inter-company and multi-modal scenarios
- Balance capacity constraints and freight costs in times of crisis
- Guarantee freight coverage and competitive pricing
- Gain insights and competitive advantage with real-time alerts, notifications, analytics and benchmarking
The value of collaboration across a logistics network
The process of tendering a load from a shipper to a carrier has changed very little over the decades. While new technologies have emerged to better digitize the many contracts and rate agreements that shippers and carriers have in place, visibility into the market prices or availability of trucks has remained elusive, and shippers often don’t leverage the flexibility provided by digital players, and ultimately pay higher prices to cover their freight needs.
The key to success is to create a central place to connect and service members of your logistics network. A common platform where shippers, freight forwarders, carriers, and other logistics partners can easily onboard, collaborate, exchange logistics information, and share insights.
The value of a network is amplified by the members and partners connected to this network.
Once everybody involved has improved visibility and access to all relevant network members, everybody wins:
- Shippers get more choice of carrier options and guaranteed shipments, which enables them to exceed service levels and reduce costs.
- Carriers can improve their utilization and profitability through improved visibility and collaboration. They can better manage their time and better optimize their trips.
- Customers get improved service and on-time deliveries at a reduced cost.
Networking is key
To help achieve these goals, SAP recently announced a collaboration with InstaFreight’s service offerings with SAP Logistics Business Network to ensure fast and efficient handling of road shipments in Europe. This enables direct access to 12,000 carriers and the associated capacity, saving time, improving flexibility, and better managing costs through competitive offers across Europe.
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