DFM Commentary:
Broker regulation is heated topic that is fueled by a lack of trust and transparency between brokers and carriers. Trust is hard to regain and benefits from starting with a structured governance framework when working with other marketplace participants. That’s why DFM Data Corp., as a neutral utility, has invested in a governance platform, process, and expertise to provide equitable service and capability to all its DFM Members in addressing the issue of replicated load and transport data across marketplaces.
Link to Source: https://www.mhlnews.com/transportation-distribution/article/21151423/fmcsa-mulls-major-change-to-broker-regulation
Quotes from Article:
“While freight rates have started to rebound since the initial weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for better broker transparency remains urgent.”
“Forcing brokers to provide after-the-fact information about their gross would not just be an anachronistic intrusion into the freedom of carriers to negotiate with their customers, it would not give carriers any information they would not otherwise have available at the time they need to decide on a particular transaction,”