DFM Commentary: Given the seismic shifts in the economy and supply chain over the last year, prediction is difficult. A key point in Richard Howells’ article is the need for flexibility and to improve the capability in your network. DFM Data Corp.’s core mission is to foster collaboration within the digital/dynamic freight matching marketplace to […]
January 2021
DFM Commentary: Peter Moore’s article illuminates a path to more efficiency and speed in the transportation industry. Blockchain offers a shared view of the freight transaction for networked participants and a future that improves the customer experience and bottom line profitability. DFM Data Corp. has architected that distributed ledger technology (DLT) concept into its data
DFM Commentary: Broker regulation is heated topic that is fueled by a lack of trust and transparency between brokers and carriers. Trust is hard to regain and benefits from starting with a structured governance framework when working with other marketplace participants. That’s why DFM Data Corp., as a neutral utility, has invested in a governance
[EXERPT] Surprisingly, our conversations with DFM operators also have revealed that while they know phantom data is costing them, they don’t know HOW MUCH it is costing them. Along with their perception that there is no way to identify replicated data before the false-positive match, very few DFMs have looked into the impacts to their operations. They apparently instead focus their resources on what they consider to be “SOLVABLE” problems…