Is there any real disruption in logistics?

DFM Commentary:

Jan Phillip Harnish’s post carefully distinguishes between disruption and innovation. Many of the improvements underway in the freight marketplace today are digital enhancements of the current process and therefore innovation. One missing piece is a common standard and platform for data-sharing among large and small participants alike. DFM Data Corp’s Member Voice platform, industry-led governance structure, and new Anonymizer™ technology provide the basis for the industry wide solution.

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Quotes from Article:

“So what does this digital, innovative future look like? The undeniable future is an industry-wide master data management structure that compiles and analyzes data so we can use it for automation, coordination and insight. It will be a platform for major logistics companies and small players alike.”
“While we still have big, real problems to solve, innovation is knocking on our door. However, right now, the industry isn’t rallying around these innovations the way we should.”

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