DLT Labs

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DLT Labs


DLT Labs™ is a global leader in the development and delivery of enterprise blockchain technologies and solutions, as well as a pioneer in the creation and implementation of standards for application development. With a deep track record in innovation and one of the world's largest pools of highly experienced blockchain experts, DLT Labs™ enables the transformation and innovation of complex multi-stakeholder processes.

With offices in Canada, India and Japan, DLT’s premier team of distributed application architects, designers and integrators has created a full suite of secure and scalable blockchain products to service enterprise clients, including: DL Certify, DL Registry, DL Asset Track, DL Wallet, DL Data Consent, DL ICO Plus, DL Learn, and DL Loyalty.

DLT is an Authorized IBM Business Partner, a partner with PriceWaterhouseCoopers (pwc), a partner of Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, Hyperledger and Linux Foundation, a member of BiTA (blockchain in Transportation Alliance), a member of MOBI (Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative), and technology partner for several other companies.

Specialties: Blockchain Technology, Distributed Ledger Technology, Distributed Data Management, Enterprise Solutions, Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum, Blockchain Agnostic, Freight Invoicing, FinTech, Enterprise SaaS, Track & Trace, Workflow & Supply Chain, Value Transfer & Exchange, Contract Compliance, Provenance & Authentication, Credentials & Verification, Records Management, and Privacy & Consent

Contact Information

55 University Avenue, Suite 1200, Toronto, Ontario M5H 3L5, Canada
Zip/Post Code
M5H 3L5
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Member since 5 years ago
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