Mercado Labs

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Mercado Labs


Mercado is a cloud-based platform designed to brings order to your imports by transforming the supply chain. Effectively connecting buyers and sellers by optimizing the first 120 days.

By enabling businesses to improve their supply chain, Mercado provides the collaboration, transparency, and predictability importers need to navigate the complex world of global trade.

Total Transparency. Shine light into dark corners. Mercado helps you exceed the expectations of you customers, stakeholders, and internal employees – time and time again. Enabling a transparent supply chain; social compliance, regulatory compliance, supply chain compliance. Delivered.

Complete Collaboration. No more "He said, She said". Mercado connects your end-to-end supply chain by bringing together people, processes, and tools under one roof. Minimize issues at hand-off, reduce reliance on manual tasks, and focus your efforts on managing the thing that matters most: delivering great service to your customers.

Perfect Predictability. Deliver for your customers, every time. Mercado streamlines your global supply chain process from source to store, making it easy for you to manage your entire product inventory across multiple suppliers and deliver for your customers, every time.

Specialties: importing, international trade, sourcing, order management, shipping, freight, and suppliers

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3102 Oak Lawn Ave, Dallas, Texas 75219, USA
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Member since 5 years ago
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