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Omni-ID is the Original Patent holder and leading provider of passive UHF RFID tags. We've solved the challenge of high-value asset identification and tracking across many industries. Omni-ID passive RFID tags with global performance and strong on-metal read range offer an affordable alternative to active RFID.

RFID Tags for IT Asset Tracking and Management: RFID asset management makes it easy to track thousands of assets with speed, efficiency, and accuracy impossible to achieve with manual or barcode methods.

RFID Tags for Manufacturing & Logistics: RFID applications enable a lean and efficient supply chain with bin-level inventory visibility and real-time movement accuracy.

RFID Tags for Tool Tracking: RFID asset management enables tight control of work and tool movement without the inefficiency of manual or barcode job tracking.

RFID Tags for Industrial Assets: RFID tracking of cargo and containers enables accurate, global visibility, status and security of cargo across all geographic regions, including movement of goods through warehouse, trucking, railway, shipyard, and ocean transport.

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333 West Commercial Street Suite 333–1500 East Rochester, New York 14445, USA
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Dhin Kalang-ad

Member since 4 years ago
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