Savi Technology

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Savi Technology


Savi provides real-time information about the location, condition and security of in-transit goods and assets. Using big data and analytics, Savi gives shippers, carriers, 3PLs, and governments with actionable insights to optimize supply chain operations before, during and after transit, reducing costs and inventory while improving service. Some of the world’s largest and most complex supply chain networks – including pharmaceutical, chemicals, electronics and heavy machinery manufacturers and the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and government agencies – trust Savi to support their supply chains. To learn more, visit For more information about Savi, visit

Specialties: In-Transit Visibility, Big Data, Machine Learning, Software as a Service (SaaS), Internet of Things, Real-Time Tracking, Sensor Analytics, RFID, Risk Management, Operational Efficiency, Inventory Optimization, Data Science, Machine Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, Prescriptive Analytics, Supply Chain, Government, Military Supply Chain, Active RFID, IoT sensors, Logistics Support, Supply Chain Solutions, Connected Devices, and Supply Chain Visibility

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5285 Shawnee, Suite 210, Alexandria, VA 22312, USA
Phone 2
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Author Info

Dhin Kalang-ad

Member since 4 years ago
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