Is there any real disruption in logistics?

DFM Commentary: Jan Phillip Harnish’s post carefully distinguishes between disruption and innovation. Many of the improvements underway in the freight marketplace today are digital enhancements of the current process and therefore innovation. One missing piece is a common standard and platform for data-sharing among large and small participants alike. DFM Data Corp’s Member Voice platform, […]

Is there any real disruption in logistics? Read More »

TMS integrations with digital freight brokers are gaining momentum

DFM Commentary: Supply Chain Dive’s article explores the rapid integration and use of technology in the freight brokerage marketplace. The partnerships between digital freight brokerages (DFBs) and transportations management systems (TMSs) takes advantage of expanded networks and capabilities to post and respond to shipper load demands more quickly. The resulting proliferation of replicated load postings

TMS integrations with digital freight brokers are gaining momentum Read More »

DFM Data Corp. releases the Anonymizer™ – The Digital Freight Industries First Neutral Data Clearinghouse

Today DFM Data Corp., Inc. (“DFMDC”) announced the launch of its Anonymizer™ technology available May 4, 2021.  The Anonymizer™ enables North American shippers, carriers, and freight brokers to collaborate using unique global IDs to track loads, shipments, truck capacity, and exceptions while maintaining the transaction stakeholders’ confidentiality.—The-Digital-Freight-Industrys-First-Neutral-Data-Clearinghouse Quotes from Article: The Anonymizer™ is the

DFM Data Corp. releases the Anonymizer™ – The Digital Freight Industries First Neutral Data Clearinghouse Read More »

Industry success calls for data sharing among competitors

DFM Commentary: Tive’s sponsored article makes the case for industry wide collaboration and DFM Data Corp. couldn’t agree more. Data-sharing and collaboration have the power transform the digital freight marketplace and benefit all stakeholders including end consumers and the environment. DFM Data Corp. is the neutral utility built to facilitate that data-sharing amongst competitors. Reach

Industry success calls for data sharing among competitors Read More »

Logistics’ optimization friction challenge

DFM Commentary: Eric Johnson’s article speaks to the rapid progress on internal optimization but the lack of interconnectedness with shippers, TMS’s, and brokers. The posed question is whether a middle connective layer is possible for true ecosystem interconnectedness. That’s the solution that DFM Data Corp. can uniquely provide for the Digital Freight marketplace. Link to

Logistics’ optimization friction challenge Read More » acquires carrier compliance firm RMIS

DFM Commentary: John Paul Hampstead’s article on the acquisition of RMIS by Truckstop explores the benefits to customers and the history of the relationship between the two companies and their leaders. The combined company will have better predictive data to operate and work with customers. More accurate and cleaner data along with broader data-sharing can acquires carrier compliance firm RMIS Read More »

Collaborative innovation within the maritime sector: the path to grow back better

DFM Commentary: UNCTAD’s article, although specifically addressing the maritime industry, has clear parallels to ground freight transportation in North America. As the freight marketplace embraces digitization, siloed thinking and mindsets need to transition to collaboration and transparency to solve the known and emerging issues in the marketplace. Fragmentation is a clear obstacle. DFM Data Corp.

Collaborative innovation within the maritime sector: the path to grow back better Read More »

Study issued by Coyote and Emsi examines themes related to the truck driver shortage

DFM Commentary: The driver shortage is getting plenty of airtime and analysis. It’s not easily solved and certainly not overnight. Supply and demand never quite match as the economy and trucking capacity rise and fall. Extending your network through deliberate collaboration with visibility, trust, and transparency provides an optimized capability to best match your truckload

Study issued by Coyote and Emsi examines themes related to the truck driver shortage Read More »

Inflection point: Contract rates overtake spot rates

DFM Commentary: Jim Stinson’s article highlights the high price shippers pay for consistent, planned capacity. Broader visibility to freight capacity through standardized data-sharing could help reduce volatility. DFM Data Corp. has the answer in a member governed cooperative structure. Link to Source: Quotes from Article: “Croke said he expects the trucking and freight markets

Inflection point: Contract rates overtake spot rates Read More »

2020 spurred record number of fleet failures — but rising new entrant carriers

DFM Commentary: Freight capacity cycled from over-built to consistently tight over the last year as Covid-19 hit the supply chain with a classic bullwhip. Link to Source: Quotes from Article: “Failures slowed in the back half of the year as freight demand rebounded and capacity tightened on the spot market.”

2020 spurred record number of fleet failures — but rising new entrant carriers Read More »

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